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Discover 8 Ways VNS Therapy™ Can Help Improve Lives

VNS therapy benefits

Epilepsy presents unique challenges that extend well beyond the experience of seizures. It encompasses a range of physical, emotional, and practical obstacles that affect individuals and their families.

With 30 years of experience, VNS Therapy™ may offer tangible benefits as a long-term add-on treatment for people with hard-to-treat seizures.

VNS Therapy™ is a neuromodulation treatment designed for people with drug-resistant epilepsy 4 years of age and older with partial onset seizures.

In this blog, we'll explore eight ways VNS Therapy™ can help people with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy (DRE):

  1. Gaining Control Over Seizures

Having uncontrolled seizures can be overwhelming. Multiple long-term studies have shown that VNS Therapy™ can reduce their frequency, length and intensity.

  1. Lessening the Impact of Seizures

Beyond reducing seizures, VNS Therapy™ helps in making their aftermath more manageable by aiming to improve post-seizure recovery. This can make the post-seizure period less daunting and severe.

  1. Improving Quality of Life

Life with epilepsy can sometimes feel like you’re just living seizure to seizure. Unlike certain medications, VNS Therapy™ can help empower many patients to engage more fully in their daily activities with improvements in mood, memory, and energy level.

  1. Lowering SUDEP rates

The unknown can be unsettling, especially when it concerns our health. Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is a concern for many who experience severe seizures. Data suggests that treatment with VNS Therapy™ may be associated with lower SUDEP rates, offering those with drug-resistant epilepsy and their loved ones a little more peace of mind.

  1. Improving Emotional Well-Being

Patients living with DRE often experience mood-related symptoms as well. VNS Therapy™ has been associated with improvements such as reduced seizure worry and depressive symptoms in many patients. While VNS Therapy™ is not indicated for the treatment of depression in patients with epilepsy, some patients have experienced improved mood, energy level and perceived overall quality of life.

  1. Fewer Trips to the ER

Repeated visits to the emergency room are both exhausting and disruptive. People treated for DRE with VNS Therapy™ have experienced a reduction in epilepsy-related trips to the ER. Imagine having more uninterrupted moments and more opportunities to create the life you want.

  1. Long-Lasting Seizure Control

VNS Therapy™ has has been shown to improve over time to help control seizures for years to come. This may allow individuals with DRE to plan for the future with greater confidence, knowing they have a long-term treatment option.

  1. Regaining Independence

VNS Therapy™ empowers individuals with DRE to regain a sense of independence. With improved seizure control, reduced healthcare burdens, and better emotional well-being, they may be able to pursue careers, hobbies, and social connections more freely, contributing to a richer and more fulfilling life.

VNS Therapy™ can be a life-changer for people with DRE and offer meaningful quality-of-life improvements. It provides the opportunity for brighter days, improved moods, and the freedom to focus on what truly matters in life.

VNS Therapy for DRE

Balancing the Scale: Side Effects of VNS Therapy™

While VNS Therapy™ offers many benefits to people with DRE, it's important to consider potential side effects. The most common side effects include hoarseness, shortness of breath, sore throat, and coughing during stimulation, which often decreases over time for many people. Infection is also possible following the procedure. Other common surgery-related side effects include headache, nausea, and soreness or skin reactions.

To explore safety information, refer to our page here.

Could You Benefit From VNS Therapy™?

If you or someone you care about is living with DRE, consider discussing VNS Therapy with a healthcare provider to balance benefits against potential side effects and make an informed treatment choice—it could be the key to a life with fewer seizures and less worry. Individual results vary.

Take our assessment to find out if VNS Therapy could be suitable for you